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Prime Minister Erna Solberg at Bergen Cleanup hosted by Clean Shores

Updated: May 18, 2023

Bergen, 6th September 2020 – A clean-up campaign at Nordre Rotøyna is organised and led by Rune Gaasø from Clean Shores, who pulled together organisations such as In The Same Boat Vestland (supported by Agenda Vestlandet Foundation, created by the Norwegian bank, Sparebanken Vest), Naturvernforbundet, Keep Norway Clean, Bergen Og Omland Friluftsråd, Redningsselskap and many more.

The special occasion invited Prime Minister Erna Solberg and Ogoori to the cove to cleanup and start a dialogue around the plastic objects found there, as well as on Norway’s recent poor performance on circularity rate at 2.4%, below the global average at 8.6%. The finding is found in the Circularity Report 2020 published by The Circularity Gap Reporting Initiative, an initiative of Circle Economy, an impact organisation dedicated to accelerating the transition to the circular economy.

Both In The Same Boat and Ogoori are supported by Agenda Vestlandet Foundation, where their purpose is to promote sustainable projects within two main pillars, «Sustainable sea» and «green conversion», that will contribute to the business development in western Norway. Siren Sundland, Chairperson of Agenda Vestland has also joined the cleanup crew.

Runa Andersen, ITSB; Siren Sundland, Chairperson of Agenda Vestlandet, Sparebank Vest; and Larissa Slottet, CEO of Ogoori. (From Left to Right)

Larissa Slottet, CEO of Ogoori joined in on the cleanup action and got to hand over a jar of plastic granulate to Prime Minister Erna Solberg. The jar contains 0.17kg of 100% ownerless marine plastic granulate originated from the beaches of Lofoten, Finnmark and Helgeland, and was picked up by In The Same Boat cleanup crew in 2019. The plastic granulate is produced at NOPREC and registered on Empower plastic blockchain system. Prime Minister Erna Solberg will hold onto the jar of granulate until Ogoori is ready to include it in design objects.

Blockchain technology ensures that the origin of ocean plastic is traceable and transparent. Information of the materials is stored on the blockchain app all the way from the collection point via recycling, production and use phase, as well as through future use cycles of the ocean plastic products.

Norway has a long way to go to reach a circular society, but the event today demonstrates the power of collaboration between organisations to bring about the Circular Value Chain for the plastic industry in Norway. Ogoori and their partners are ready to create the new plastic circular economy that Norway desperately needs.

About Ogoori

Ogoori is a Norwegian startup creating economic value in ownerless marine plastic waste. The plastic is collected through coastal cleanups and is offered to companies interested in closing the loop. The origin and story of the plastic can be followed by everyone on an accessible digital passport that illustrates the chain of custody. Every batch is registered, granulated, and evaluated by third party partners to ensure its quality for future products. Ogoori strategic alliances to help our partners transition from linear to circular business models.

Contact details:

Larissa Slottet, CEO.


Rune Gaasø, Cofounder of Ogoori.


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