Kan plast være bra for naturen?
Ogoori-plast er ekte miljøvennlig plast – fordi den er fjernet fra naturen. Vi holder Ogoori-plast i et lukket og sporet kretsløp, slik at det ikke skal havne på sjøen igjen. Derfor blir dette råmaterialet leid ut til kunder som vil bruke det til å produsere egne impact-produkter. Når produktene ikke skal brukes mer, tar vi plasten tilbake og gjenvinner den på nytt.
For hvert produkt som lages med Ogoori-plast, blir mer av havet ryddet. Og publikum blir inspirert av produktet til å ta bedre vare på naturen og ressurser.
Traced, upcycled ocean plastic as raw material for your products, in a service model. Impact-data and stories from the cleanups are part of the delivery. Let us analyse how your products can be adapted to clean the ocean.
"Impact-objects are activated things.
They contribute to cleaning up nature
as long as they are in use."
The raw material
Ogoori-plastic is tested for toxicology and material properties. The plastic can be delivered as pellets or flakes. Color can vary.
The story
Impact-data with stories from beach cleanups is part of the service, and will follow the plastic to the product. The material is traced and kept in a closed loop.
The process
We analyze how your business can best benefit from using Ogoori plastic in your products, and suggest different outcomes based on
regenerative business thinking.
The value
You get a fully transparent material chain, build conscious brand value and receive ESG-data. That is a plus for both investors and for the bank.
Can plastic be good for nature?
Ogoori-plastic is actual environmentally friendly plastic – because it is removed from nature. We keep Ogoori-plastic in a closed loop, because we never want it to end up at sea again. That is why we do not sell our plastic, but lease it in a service model to customers who want to create their own impact-products in collaboration with Ogoori.
Once the products reach end of life, we take back the plastic and recycle it again. This is real circularity.
For each product made of Ogoori-plastic, more shores will be cleaned. And people can be inspired to take care of nature, by interacting with your products.